[R6RS] update to UnicodeSupport on wiki site

Michael Sperber sperber
Thu Dec 9 03:18:39 EST 2004

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Feeley <feeley at IRO.UMontreal.CA> writes:

Marc> Email discussion is still necessary for introducing some new
Marc> issues, or discussing procedures, etc but I think the bulk of
Marc> our work should happen on the wiki site (it is unfortunate that
Marc> the wiki page editing is painful (cut-and-paste back and forth
Marc> from emacs), but that is the price to pay I guess).

This is certainly a departure from what I remember we discussed.
Moreover, tracking the discussion through versioning is bound to be
even more painful than following email threads.  It's certainly much
more painful to add stuff, and it's a price I consider too high.

The problem with following email threads has been primarily their
size---email readers are much better than the wiki at tracking
statements and responses.  If the same discussion we used to have per
email is shifted to the wiki, we'll have the same problems there, plus

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, V?lkerverst?ndigung und ?berhaupt blabla

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