[R6RS] my notes on today's conference call (11 July 2006)
William D Clinger
will at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Jul 11 14:07:33 EDT 2006
Conference call July 11 2006 12:45pm
All present by about 12:49pm:
Kent, Matthew, Mike, Will, Anton
0. finalize agenda (1 minute)
1. action items from 7/04/2006 (5 minutes)
- review safe/unsafe mode draft before 7/11 meeting (All)
- update hash table draft---see 7/04 minutes (Will)
- carried over:
- update library srfi (Matthew and Kent)
notes sent out this morning
- update reference implementation for arithmetic SRFI (Will)
updated except for two new minor changes
- complete unicode reference implementation (Will)
no progress
- comment on core/library split (All)
2. meeting times
- next week
Thursday, 20 July, 2pm EDT (one week only, then we revert)
Tuesday, 25 July, we're back to 12:45pm
- after august 15
Matthew will be in a Chinese time zone
3. error and violation (5 minutes)
- see https://r6rs.scheming.org/node/256#comment-1381
Will moved we accept that note modulo minor changes
(e.g. name of the values field)
Anton seconded
passed by acclamation
4. multiple return values (10 minutes)
- final vote on options
5. hash tables (10 minutes)
- see updated hash table draft
hash-table-fold, hash-table-for-each
what if they mutate the table?
raise an exception?
unspecified behavior?
behave as though a copy were made at the beginning?
Mike moved that mutators raise an exception if
a hash-table-fold or hash-table-for-each is in
Motion failed for lack of a second
Anton moved to accept the draft as is
Mike seconded
Motion withdrawn by request of Kent
tabled for further email discussion of issues, e.g.
possible elimination of hash-table-update!
6. eval/environment (5 minutes)
- see committed eval/environment draft
Mike moved we accept the draft
Kent seconded
passed unanimously
7. library syntax and library/transformer phases
- see https://r6rs.scheming.org/node/307
- see https://r6rs.scheming.org/node/303
tabled pending illumination of dark corners
8. simplified condition type hierarchy (10 minutes)
not discussed for lack of time
9. I/O (10 minutes)
not discussed for lack of time
10. adjourned about 2pm
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