[R6RS] Re: R6RS = Common Scheme?

Marc Feeley feeley
Fri Jan 30 21:57:05 EST 2004

Manuel Serrano wrote:

> > Marc> The term "Common Scheme" was meant tongue-in-cheek.  Let's not start a
> > Marc> debate about what it means.  Our time can be spent more productively
> > Marc> if we first elaborate a list of concrete issues to discuss.
> > 
> > Sorry if I sounded snide; that wasn't my intention.  I really was
> > wondering what criteria we should use to contribute to this specific
> > list.  I don't understand your criteria, neither in the abstract nor
> > as they relate to the concrete list you supplied.
> I understand Marc as "let us check if with a minimal effort we can make
> real progress by adding features every major implementation has or
> could adds easily". Marc, Am I correct?

Yes that is what I meant.


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