Formal comment #6 (enhancement) Applicable record instances Reported by: Pascal Costanza Component: records Version: 5.91 Full description of the issue: This is a proposal to add a notion of "applicable record instances" to R6RS Scheme. An applicable record instance is a record instance that has a distinct "applicable" field that is supposed to contain a procedure. Such an applicable instance can be used as the value in the first position of an expression, or as the first parameter to apply, and when such an expression is evaluated this will effectively call the procedure stored in the distinct "applicable" field of the record instance (or raise an appropriate exception if that field doesn't contain a procedure). Rationale: Applicable record instances are useful when a program needs to associate procedures with data. They enable storing both procedures and data directly in the same instances rather than linking them via hash tables, association lists, etc., or alternatively making it inconvenient to call such procedures. Such applicable record instances are especially useful to build a more full-fledged object system on top. For example, the Common Lisp Object System, or better its concept of generic functions, is essentially built in terms of such applicable instances, there called "funcallable instances" [1]. The downside of a lack of applicable instances can for example be observed in the (Scheme-based) implementation of Tiny CLOS. The source code of Tiny CLOS has to jump through a few unpleasent hoops in order to get the same effect [2]. See also [3] for another object system for Scheme with a different flavor based on T that also requires a notion of applicable record instance, there simply called instances (cf. Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in that paper). Note that there is no need that the procedure stored in the distinct field of an applicable record instance has a special reference to its enclosing instance (for example, like a self/this/current reference in OOP languages). It's sufficient that such a procedure closes over the respective record instance. I currently see two ways how such applicable record instances can be added to R6RS Scheme. One way would be to add a declaration for fields, similar to the mutable / immutable declarations, roughly like this: (define-record-type some-record (fields (mutable applicable proc))) or: (define-record-type some-record (fields (mutable-apply proc))) A disadvantage of such a design would be a requirement to handle record types inheriting from each other that declare more than one applicable field. Alternatively, a predefined record type could be added that predeclares an applicable field which other record types can be derived from. A disadvantage here would be that it has to be decided whether such a field is mutable or not (which in the general case it should be). There are probably better alternatives. Pascal [1] [2] [3] Norman Adams and Jonathan Rees, Object-Oriented Programming in Scheme RESPONSE: This proposal may have semantic and/or implementation consequences that should be investigated before standardization. We prefer to leave it out of R6RS, and we encourage instead that the mechanism be investigated via the SRFI process and possibly considered for a future report.