Formal comment #182 (enhancement) Port predicates (New predicates wanted for different subtypes of ports) Reported by: John Cowan Version: 5.92 Currently R5.92RS has input-port? and output-port? and binary-port? I propose adding textual-port?, input/output-port?, file-port?, string-port?, and bytevector-port? with the obvious semantics. A textual-port? predicate would be technically redundant, as by the letter of R5.92RS all non-binary ports are textual; however, a particular implementation might add ports which were neither binary nor (in the general sense) textual, with new input or output operations. RESPONSE: The textual-port? predicate will be added to the next draft. File, string, and bytevector ports have no standard operations that would require them to be distinguishable, so the editors did not perceive a need for the file-port?, string-port?, and bytevector-port? predicates. Since the input/output-port? predicate would compute the obvious conjunction, the editors did not perceive a need for it either.