Formal Responses

Formal responses from the editors to most of the formal comments submitted by November 15 are posted at:

We have a few loose ends to tie up on the remainder but expect to post formal responses for those by Monday, December 18.

Looking forward, the editors and steering committee have agreed on the following timeline:

The editors may decide to release additional drafts between January 15 and March 15, in which case the May 15 draft may actually have a different digit in the last place.

Once the May 15 draft is released, the steering committee may decide to finalize the draft or restart the review process, as prescribed by the Scheme Standardization Charter.

We would like to thank everyone who has submitted formal comments or contributed to the related discussions, and we look forward to your continued participation in the R6RS refinement process.

R. Kent Dybvig
Chair, Scheme Standard Editors

15 Dec 2006