Voter Registration Form Replace the values in the form below with appropriate values and mail the completed form to "". You can delete the fields marked "optional" if you don't want to supply values for those fields. Please send us your registration form in a plain text message. Avoid using multipart MIME format if you can help it. If your message contains nothing but HTML we will refuse it. The e-mail address you supply in the "E-Mail Address" field will be used for all future correspondence with you, but will not be published. The rest of the form will be made public. The 2nd through 6th fields are for identification purposes only. (The "Public E-Mail Address" is optional as spammers will inevitably collect any address supplied here.) We will perform a standard address confirmation on the e-mail address you supply in the 1st field. (i.e., we will use it to mail you something that you have to mail back in order to prove that the person at that address really wants to vote on the future of Scheme.) Note that the source e-mail address you use when you send us this form will be ignored, only the contents of the "E-Mail Address" field in the form itself will be used. Your "Statement of Interest" must be original, it must be at least 75 words long, and it must actually address the question of what your interest is in the Scheme standardization process. Be aware that we will read your statement, and if we think you have seriously missed the mark, we will ask you to submit another one. It is not our intent to run an essay competition here, we are just looking for evidence that you're taking this seriously. ===== Begin ===== == E-Mail Address: == Full Name: Fred Derf == Geographic Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA == Affiliation (optional): Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems == Public E-Mail Address (optional): == Web Page URL (optional): == Statement of Interest (75 words or more): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc placerat, turpis at vehicula imperdiet, urna magna convallis nunc, eget rhoncus ante dolor id tellus. Sed porttitor blandit enim. Curabitur eu nibh. Vestibulum rutrum est in diam. Duis nec elit ut nibh egestas eleifend. Curabitur mollis pharetra enim. Phasellus nec lacus. Maecenas tortor dolor, consectetur vitae, rhoncus porta, venenatis sit amet, felis. Vivamus porta laoreet justo. Donec ut quam. Nullam id diam sit amet arcu semper tempor. ===== End ===== $Id: register.txt 18 2008-12-07 06:32:49Z alan $