[R6RS] Re: Slides for "modules talk"

R. Kent Dybvig dyb
Sun Sep 26 22:32:20 EDT 2004

> ... I'd like them --- specifically, I'd like the sources, so I can come
> up with changes to the proposal :-)

I've attached the pdf and source (extended latex) files.  I cannot easily
send all of the stuff required to rebuild the pdf file from source, but
you should be able to rework the source pretty easily to use whatever
typesetting method you want.

I've fixed a few of the things that were noted during our discussion of
the proposal and added a "notes" slide that clarifies some issues
otherwise unspecified by the slides.
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\vskip .5in
\textcolor{red}{\textbf{\Large Proposal for R6RS Modules}}
\vskip 1in
Kent Dybvig September 2004





Portability: specifying implementation language

Top-level namespace management

Local requires

Interchangeability and specifying implementations

Loading and invoking modules

Separate but dependent analysis/compilation

Mutability of module bindings

\begin{slide}{$\strut$Non-Issues (for now)}
Local modules



\var{module-form}\longis\scheme{(module \var{module-name} \var{language} \var{body-form}\raw{\kstar})}\\



   \orbar\scheme{(provides \var{provides-spec}\raw{\kstar})}\\



\var{require-form}\longis\scheme{(require \var{require-spec}\raw{\kstar})}\\

   \orbar\scheme{(identifier implicit-export\raw{\kstar})}\\
   \orbar\scheme{(all-imported-from \var{module-name})}\\
   \orbar \dots\\


   \orbar\scheme{(only-for-syntax \var{module-spec})}\\
   \orbar\scheme{(also-for-syntax \var{require-spec})}\\

   \orbar\scheme{(\var{module-name} from \var{pathname})}\\
   \orbar\scheme{(except \var{module-spec} name\raw{\kstar})}\\
   \orbar\scheme{(only \var{module-spec} name\raw{\kstar})}\\
   \orbar \dots

A module is implicitly loaded (and its keyword definitions evaluated) when
a module of that name is not already in scope,
a \scheme{require} form naming the module is expanded, and
a file is specified for the module.

A module's \var{inits} and non-keyword definitions are evaluated at least
the first time a \scheme{require} form naming the module is evaluated,
a \scheme{require} \scheme{also-for-syntax} form naming the module is
expanded, or a \scheme{require} \scheme{only-for-syntax} form naming
the module is expanded.  (We need to tighten this up.)

References to module bindings made visible by \scheme{require} may not
be evaluated by transformer code.  Simiarly, references to module bindings
made visble by \scheme{require} \scheme{only-for-syntax} may not be
evaluated by non-transformer code.

\scheme{require} forms may appear wherever other definitions may appear

Modules create bindings; \scheme{require} forms make them visible

Implicit exports, if any, must be listed for each exported keyword

All exported (explicit or implicit) module bindings are immutable

; gui.ss:
(module GUI r6rs
  (require (gtk from "gtk.ss"))
  (provides edit-widgit set-height! force-paint \dots))

; gui.ss:
(module GUI r6rs
  (require \raw{\textcolor{red}\bgroup}(glib from "config.ss")\raw{\egroup})
  (provides edit-widgit set-height! force-paint \dots))

; in config.ss:
(module glib r6rs
  (require (gtk from "gtk.ss"))
  (provides (all-imported-from gtk)))

; gui.ss:
(module GUI r6rs
  (require (glib from "config.ss"))
  (provides edit-widgit set-height! force-paint \dots))

; in config.ss:
(module glib r6rs
  (require \raw{\textcolor{red}\bgroup}(gqt from "gqt.ss")\raw{\egroup})
  (provides (all-imported-from \raw{\textcolor{red}\bgroup\@}gqt\raw{\egroup})))

; gui.ss:
(module GUI r6rs
  (require (glib from "config.ss"))
  (provides edit-widgit set-height! force-paint \dots))

; in config.ss:
(module glib r6rs
  (require \raw{\textcolor{red}\bgroup}(only (gqt from "gqt.ss") open-window \dots)\raw{\egroup})
  (provides (all-imported-from gqt)))


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