Formal comment #98 (defect) inconsistent use of prefixes: "fixnum-", "fx", and "fl" Reported by: Arthur A. Gleckler Component: arithmetic Version: 5.91 In <16.3.2. Signalling fixnum operations>, the "fx" prefix should be separated from the rest of each name using a hyphen in exactly the way as the prefix "fixnum-" is used, e.g. fxdiv should be fx-div. Similarly, in <16.4. Flonums>, the "fl-" prefix should be used analogously to the "fixnum-" prefix for consistency. Currently, the naming conventions are inconsistent. RESPONSE: The naming conventions should be explained in section 5.6. The naming conventions that were used in the draft R6RS were short, unpronounceable prefixes (fx and fl) are not followed by a hyphen prefixes that are actual words or can be pronounced as though they were actual words are followed by a hyphen, except when the first character following the hyphen would be something other than a letter, in which case the hyphen is omitted a predicate's name ends with a question mark if the name contains any letters; otherwise the predicate's name does not end with a question mark [1] The names used in the draft R6RS are consistent with the above conventions. Whether the conventions are themselves consistent is a matter of taste, on which no consensus is yet evident. Perhaps the best that can be said for fx+ and fl+ is that they have some precedent [2]. [1] [2] Chez Scheme, Chicken, Gambit, and Larceny provide fx+ by that name; Chez Scheme, Gambit, and Larceny provide fl+ by that name.