Formal comment #5 (defect) Implementing Common Lisp's defmacro is not straightforward Reported by: Pascal Costanza Component: macros Version: 5.91 Section 17.6, page 113, last paragraph, states that "Using lisp- transformer, defining a basic version of Common Lisp's defmacro is a straightforward exercise." This is misleading. It is true that Common Lisp's destructuring facilities in its macro lambda lists, as well as the inclusion of optional and keyword arguments, are merely syntactic sugar. However, Common Lisp macros also provide access to the lexical environment of a macro invocation via environment objects. See Sections 3.4.4 and in the ANSI Common Lisp specification [1]. I doubt that it's straightforward to reimplement environment objects using syntax-case. I suggest to drop this sentence completely. The preceding paragraph already mentions that lisp-transformer can be used to "write macros in the style of old Lisp macros", and that seems to be a sufficient motivation for this example. [1] RESPONSE: Agreed. The sentence will be removed.