Formal comment #223 (enhancement) allow port position to be "magic cookie" Reported by: Per Bothner Version: 5.92 port-position and set-port-position! are specified to get/set the port's current position as a byte offset. But there are many kinds of ports which do have a position, and on which the position can be changed, but not using a byte offset. This includes most text ports (except those implemented using simple stateless transcoders). In some cases a character offset may make more sense. Suggestion: For non-binary ports allow the use of any arbitrary integral "magic cookie" as the position. One could also allow an arbitrary value (such as a record), though that reduces the "typeability" of these procedures. However, that would allow a straight-forward wrapping of C's fgetpos/fsetpos. RESPONSE: The next draft will allow the use of integers to indicate port positions, without requiring those integers to correspond to byte offsets. The editors will also consider the comment's suggestion to allow non-integral positions, but have not yet made a decision on that issue.