Formal comment #211 (simplification) Remove the (r6rs when-unless) library Reported by: Mike Sperber Version: 5.92 R6RS component: (r6rs when-unless) Summary: (r6rs when-unless) should be removed This is mainly an attempt to stimulate discussion: Given that when and unless offer little advantage over just using if, and given that their definitions are so trivial, it's unclear whether the benefit of having a separate library with these in the standard is worth the cost. As I don't use when and unless, it's clear that they're not worth the cost to me. I wonder what others think. RESPONSE: A majority of the editors have decided to keep `when' and `unless'. However, they will be moved to a new (r6rs control) library, which will also contain `case-lambda' (thus eliminating the (r6rs case-lambda) library) and `do', which will be moved from the (r6rs base) library.