Formal comment #210 (simplification) Why are simple conditions so different from records Reported by: Andre van Tonder Version: 5.92 Component : Condition objects Summary: The interface for simple conditions is different from that of records but redundantly reproduces much of the functionality of records. Consider making the interfaces more similar or even dropping simple conditions as a separate concept and instead using a record hierarchy for them. Discussion: Simple conditions, like record types, have named fields and single inheritance. As such, the API for defining these types, constructing instances and accessing fields has to reproduce much of the same functionality. However, the interface is different. For example, * Record type field names are for informational purposes only, whereas condition field names are actual symbolic labels that are used for lookup. * Make-condition-type takes a list of symbols, whereas make-record-type-descriptor takes a vector of symbols. * Define-condition-type has a subset of the functionality of define-record-type. Yet the syntax of the former is different from that of the latter. In fact, I see no good reason why the ability to have custom constructors, accessors, explicit and implicit naming APIs, control over introspection, opacity, finality, etc., should be denied a designer of a condition hierarchy given that these features are already available for other user-defined types. It seems that simple conditions could perfectly well be a record type hierarchy under a common root /record/ type. An API for compound conditions would of course still have to be separate. Recommendation: Consider making interfaces of simple conditions similar to that of records. Better yet, drop simple conditions and consider implementing the condition hierarchy as a hierarchy of record types with common parent /record type/ condition. In this way, all of the infrastructure available for records, including custom constructors, explicit and implicit naming interfaces, introspection, etc., would become available for new condition types. Compound conditions could remain largely as they currently are, and so can the convenience syntax (condition ----), etc. RESPONSE: The next draft will follow the suggestion, and specify simple condition types as record types.