Formal comment #199 (defect) right shift formula and bit-field signedness Reported by: Daniel Villeneuve Version: 5.92 R6RS component: Exact bitwise arithmetic SUMMARY Several fixes to the bitwise library. DESCRIPTION This comment covers several (9) items, not all with the same importance. 1) I assume that the intent of all bitwise procedures is to return exact integers. If this is so, the formula used to define bitwise-arithmetic-shift does not cover the case of negative ei2. A possible one would be: (->exact (floor (* ei1 (expt 2 ei2)))) This is akin to sign-extending right shift, so (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -6 -1) => -3 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -5 -1) => -2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -4 -1) => -2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -3 -1) => -2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -2 -1) => -1 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -1 -1) => -1 2) Bit fields are always defined using a finite number of bits, contrary to 2's complement representation which implicitly uses an infinite extension of $0$ bits or $1$ bits to the left. Either a) we specify that the leftmost value bit of a bit-field is understood to be repeated infinitely to the left, or b) that $0$ bits are used no matter the value of the leftmost bit. With a), we can have negative values as output to bitwise-bit-field but we have problems with 0-bit and 1-bit bit fields, with shifting and masking, etc. With b), we only have positive bit fields. I suggest that b) is more useful/intuitive: (bitwise-bit-set? (bitwise-bit-field #b00101100 0 6) 8) => a) #t; b) #f (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (bitwise-bit-field #b00101100 0 6) 4) => a) -2; b) 2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (bitwise-bit-field #b00101100 0 7) 4) => a) 2; b) 2 Either way, a clarification on the signedness of bit-fields should be added to the introduction. 3) The domain of bitwise-rotate-bit-field should restrict ei2 and ei3 as for the other bit-field procedures, and ei4 can be left unrestricted (though non-negative), as this is both intuitive and supported by the proposed implementation. 4) The primitive bitwise-zero? is used in the implementation of bitwise-bit-set? but is not defined. It should be replaced with zero?. 5) The primitive bitwise-negative? is used in the implementation of bitwise-length but is not defined. It should be replaced with negative?. 6) The spec of bitwise-length should start as "Returns ..." instead of "These procedures return ...". 7) The spec of bitwise-bit-set? should start as "Returns ..." instead of "Otherwise, returns ...". There seems to be an extra newline after the domain. 8) General: replace "The XXX procedure returns ..." by "This procedure returns ..." when unambiguous, for homogeneity. 9) In the spec of bitwise-reverse-bit-field, replace "from the ei1" by "from ei1". RESPONSE: The editors accept all of this comment's recommendations, including alternative 2b) over 2a). Note that (bitwise-arithmetic-shift -5 -1) should actually evaluate to -3 rather than -2, which we assume is a typo in the comment.