Formal comment #191 (enhancement) Datum values, shared structure and eq? vs equal? Reported by: Mikael Tillenius Version: 5.92 Description The description of datum values in section 1.9 doesn't forbidd shared structure. For example would the value of "(let ((x (cons (cons 1 2) 3))) (set-cdr! x (car x)) x)" return a datum value? I assume the answer i "no" but it would be nice to make it explicit. Also in section 3 (page 11, middle of right column) in the discussion of "(8 13)" vs "( 8 13 )" I think it should be defined what is meant by "equal", by adding a reference to the predicate "equal?". Proposal Make it explicit in section 1.9 that shared or recursive structure is forbidden. Add a reference to "equal?" in section 9.6. RESPONSE: The editors will attempt to clarify this in the next draft.