Formal comment #149 (simplification) Clarification of chapter 1 overview bits re: exactness and complex numbers Status: closed (worksforme) Reported by: Jeffrey T. Read Version: 5.92 Summary: The overview of Chapter 1 can be read as implying that all complex arithmetic is exact. On page 6, in the introductory material of Chapter 1 dealing with arithmetic, is the following: "Scheme distinguishes between exact arithmetic, which corresponds to the mathematical ideal, and inexact arithmetic on approximations. Exact arithmetic includes arithmetic on integers, rationals, and complex numbers." The second sentence in the above passage is ambiguous, and a casual reading suggests to the reader that all arithmetic on integers, rationals, and complex numbers is exact. Section 9.9 puts the lie to that notion, so the report would benefit from the clarification of the statement. One possibility is the following: "Candidates for exact arithmetic include integers, rationals, and complex numbers." RESPONSE: The wording will be clarified in the next draft of the report.