Formal comment #142 (enhancement) Change the response to formal comment #47 to provide vector-sort!, not vector-sort. Reported by: John Cowan Version: 5.92 Report version: 5.92 The response to formal comment #47 says that R6RS will provide list-sort and vector-sort procedures, both to be stable and nondestructive. However, an important application of vectors is in situations where large sequences are required and memory must be conserved. In this context, it is often useful to sort a 1G vector in place rather than causing the application to thrash (or crash) by allocating another such vector. Providing vector-sort! as primitive will alleviate this requirement. It is very easy to define vector-sort on top of it by copying the source vector and destructively sorting the copy. No such issues arise for list-sort, so it can and should be left nondestructive. RESPONSE: In the next draft, `vector-sort!' will be added as a third sorting primitive. Its specification will allow it to use algorithms such as randomized quicksort (unstable, with O(n^2) time in the worst case), while continuing to require `vector-sort' and `list-sort' to perform an O(n lg n) stable sort.