Formal comment #127 (simplification) Dropping rename and add-prefix from libraries Reported by: Abdulaziz Ghuloum Component: libraries Version: 5.91 One sentence summary: The add-prefix and rename forms in libraries' import form are not necessary if local imports are provided. Description: The syntax of the import form for R6RS libraries provides a way of renaming and adding a prefix to imported identifiers. The rationale for providing this facility is to minimize the chance of name collision amongst identifiers imported from multiple libraries that are written by many people. This is very likely to happen because all (possibly thousands of) imported identifiers are dumped into the library's global environment, making the chance for conflicts much more likely. Making all identifiers longer by adding prefixes, or manually renaming all conflicting identifiers is not the optimal solution to the problem. When local imports give the programmers the ability to control the scope of the imported identifiers (possibly limiting the scope to a single reference if needed), the programmer is unlikely to need having all imported identifiers to have unique names. In my personal experience using Chez Scheme's modules for years, I never for once needed to add prefixes to imported identifiers. Recommendation: The import form of R6RS libraries should be simplified by removing the rename and add-prefix forms since these two facilities are an artifact of the lack of scope control in current R6RS libraries. RESPONSE: Independent of whether local `import' really negates the usefulness of prefixes, R6RS will not include local `import' (see the response to formal comment 126). So, the current draft's motivation for prefixes remains, and we believe that import prefixes should remain in R6RS.