Formal comment #125 (enhancement) Quasiquote should support unquotation within bytes object Reported by: Felix Klock Component: bytes Version: 5.91 It seems natural and useful to support unquotation for the elements of a bytes object. For example: (let ((a 0) (b 1) (cs '(2 3))) `#vu8(,a ,b ,@cs)) ==> #vu8(0 1 2 3) This is relevant to the section on quasiquotation (which is unnumbered in R{5.91}RS but immediately follows section 9.19) on pages 52-53. To support this: 1.) The grammar for quasiquotation would need to be extended with a template for bytes, something like the following: -> #vu8(*) 2.) The report would need to specify whether spliced expressions can evaluate to either an octet or a byte at whim, or if the expressions must always evaluate to octets, or always to bytes. This corresponds to deciding whether unquote within a #vu8(...) can expand unconditionally to bytes-u8-set! (or bytes-s8-set!), or if some new procedure will need to be introduced that handles both octets and bytes as arguments. 3.) The report would need to specify the behavior when an unquoted expression evaluates to a value that cannot be stored in a bytes object; one choice would be to raise a &contract exception. One contentious aspect of this suggestion is that the bytes objects support a variety of -set! and -ref procedures, but quasiquote would presumably only accept unquoting of expressions that evaluate to single bytes (or, in the case of unquote-splicing, lists of bytes). RESPONSE: The comment was withdrawn as per