Formal comment #113 (simplification) fenders should be dropped from syntax-rules Reported by: David Van Horn Component: macros Version: 5.91 Summary The production should be removed from the language of syntax-rules forms. Description Allowing fenders in syntax-rules significantly complicates the semantics of syntax-rules-based transformations, introducing phase distinctions where there used to be none and allowing the use of arbitrary Scheme code in what was once a simple rewritting specification. The complications add essentially no practical benefit without also using the (r6rs syntax-case) library. With the inclusion of syntax-case in R6RS, when fenders are needed, they may be used and a derived form syntax-rules/fenders can be defined using (r6rs syntax-case), but this makes it explicit that the enhanced facilities provided by syntax-case are being relied upon. RESPONSE: Agreed. Fenders will be removed from syntax-rules in the next report draft.